Lightyear Wiki
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Welcome to the Lightyear Wiki, a collaborative encylopedia about Disney's 2022 upcoming animated film, Lightyear. Anyone can edit here as long as they abide by the rules. As more information is released, we will be able to add more content to pages.
40 articles • 176 files • 1,074 edits • 1 active users





Emporor Zurg

Emperor Zurg

Emperor Zurg will be returning from the Toy Story franchise to be the main antagonist of Lightyear. In Toy Story 2, a Zurg action figure is accidentaly released from Al's Toy Barn by Buzz Lightyear. After emerging from the barn, he believes himself to be real and tracks Buzz in order to destroy him. He surprise attacks him and Andy's Rex, instigating a showdown on an elevator shaft in which Zurg claims he is Buzz's father. When Zurg was about to finish Buzz off with his gun, Rex, not bearing to watch anymore, turns around and unwittingly knocks Zurg down the shaft with his tail.

Disney+ Release Date

Disney Plus

Lightyear will not release on Disney+ on the same date as its released in theaters (June 17, 2022), though it will be available for streaming on the platform eventually after its theatrical release. If the release pattern follows the same as movies such as "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" and "Eternals", that were streamed on DIsney+ about two months after their theatrical release, then we can expect to have Lightyear available on DIsney+ sometime in August.

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